- Gerontological Nursing in Japan
- Current Situation on Aging in Japan
- Total population: 128.06 million (2010)
- Total number of people 65 years of age or older: 29,580,000 (the highest ever)
- Gender balance (over 65 years old): 12,640,000 men and 16,930,000 women, with a
gender ratio (number of males per 100 females) 74.7.
- Percentage of the population over 65 years of age (population aging rate): 22.7%
(last year: 23.1%)
- Population of persons aged 65~74 years old: 15,280,000, 11.9% of the
total population
- Population of persons aged 75 years old or over : 14,300,000, 11.2% of the
total population
- From 2042, even though the elderly population decreases, the aging of society will
continue to advance.
- In 2055, the percentage of the elderly will reach 40.5%, with 1 in 2.5 people being
65 years old or over; the percentage of people aged 75 years old or over will be
26.5%, with 1 in every 4 persons being 75 years old or over.
- Average life expectancy (2009): Men 79.59 years; women 86.44 years.
- Social security expenditure (2007): approx. 91.4305 trillion yen (the highest ever)
- Approx. 63.5654 trillion yen, or about 69.5%, of the social security was spent on
benefits for the elderly (2007)
- (Source: Cabinet Office (2010). Annual Report on the Aging Society 2010.
http://www8.cao.go.jp/kourei/english/annualreport/2010/2010pdf_e.html [Accessed: 29
November, 2011])